Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sweet Ending Despite Bitter Water

You know it's been a bad day when you polish off a pint of rocky road in one sitting! All I can say is uugghh for the day, but boy it was a happy ending in spite of it all.


Ronda said...

Good day or bad, now that's the way to end any day sister. A bowl of any kind of chocolate ice cream...that's a winner in my book!!!

Love & Prayers,

Mrs.B said...

awww, I have been there done that.

Praying for you

~~In HIS Keeping,

Cranky G. said...

I'm going to sit down right now and have a big bowl of chocolate chip ice cream in your honor! Can you feel the virtual hugs coming your way???

Mrs. B, a very peculiar person said...

So sorry to hear you had a rough day, BUT praising God for the blessing of CHOCOLATE, especially in the form of icecream!