Friday, February 13, 2009

The Final Countdown

Tonight is the night...the Valentine banquet. Hubby l-o-v-e-s cooking so needless to say he is very excited about it. The last minute preparations were completed yesterday, in between everything that had to be done for the day. Whew! I'm sure glad that part is over.

A few minor things need to be completed this morning, like printing out the menu cards, ironing the table napkins, giving the water goblets one last polish & shine (there's nothing worse than fingerprints on the outside of one's glass.) Then of course there is the actual cooking of the food. Thankfully Hubby has that down to an art, so it will go smoothly I'm sure.

image courtesy of
Some of you have inquired as to what the menu includes for the evening. I will be happy to share that with you now. For starters we will serve a fresh tossed Green Salad. The main course will consist of Balsamic Rosemary Grilled Chicken, Herb Roasted Potatoes, Brown Sugar Green Beans, Roasted Corn Confetti & Yeast Rolls. Of course no dinner would be complete without desert...which will be Strawberry Chocolate Sweethearts w/ Vanilla Sauce. Granted I am not a huge fan of chocolate but these are going to be delicious!

I am hoping to be able to get a few photos taken tonight in between things that I can share with you. So until then...

1 comment:

Cranky G. said...

Oh, my gosh, that sounds delicious! I hope you can post a few pics of your culinary expertise!
Love, love, love your new look!

Cranky Grandma