Sunday, May 2, 2010

A View From The Drive Thru

On the way home from service this morning I stopped off at Taco Bell for a bite to eat. Yes, not the healthiest choice but it hit the spot. Anyway, this is what I saw when going through the drive thru....who says a drive up window has to be boring!


Mrs.B said...

Oh so very pretty

Cranky G. said...

You always see the pretty! I'm so blessed to have met you!

Keeper of the Home said...

Mrs. B ~
The flowers were so much prettier than the food! LOL

Cranky ~
I really needed to hear your comment tonight. Trust me, I don't always see the pretty in everything but I am learning the hard way that there truly is more pretty in the world to see if we only choose to look for it.

~Mrs. M

Ronda said...

Oh what pretty flowers!!!!
What a blessing to see such beauty every where you look. The sad part is.....most people do not ever look beyond their own selves to see the beauty that is everywhere, all around, free for the enjoying.
Thank you for sharing more of God's beauty with us.

By the way, I miss getting to email and kinda chat with you like we used to. Working a full time job realy cuts down on a lot of things for me. I miss ya' my friend!!

Love & Prayers,