Next I stopped off at Jo-Ann's to take advantage of the 1/2 price sale on batting. I also found they had nice size rolls of Christmas gift wrap marked down from $3.99 to only $0.99. Hubby had just asked me last night if we had any and since we are out, this was a definite bargain not to pass up on. Then it happened...I walked back to the fabric cutting area and saw something that I I just had to have. ..a sewing table! Ok, it's not hte highest quality, but considering I have to empty off our dining room table or use a card table to sew on now, this table for me is a Cadillac! It was marked down from $169.99 to $79.99, plus I had my coupon for 20% off my total purchase. So in my basket it went and up to the check out stand. Happy early birthday to me! I have never had a real place in all my time of sewing to put my machine. I have had to improvise and continually drag the machine in and out of the closet every time I wanted to use it. So this is heaven for me. It really is the little, simple things that make me happy.
Now it's time to clean house and get ready to put up the Fall decorations and set out the Christmas. I trust everyone is having a pleasurable weekend.

Your sewing table is very nice! Now you can sew in leisure without having to move your tasks about to eat dinner. :)
Iknow what you mean about moving a sewing machine to the table. I would have to clear it off before supper and then drag it all back. I put up a table for mine too and it's so nice to just be able to sew whenever I want and to be able to leave things out until I'm finished. I too got some deals at Joanns with my coupons.
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