Thursday, October 15, 2009

Press In & Press On

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How many times have we all had one of those days (or weeks) that you just feel hum-drum and don't feel like doing what you know needs to be done? Lately satan has been trying his best to take my focus off of the LORD and have me hone in on other things. I will admit, I stumbled and let the trickster cause me to get off course but with the encouragement of some dear sister's in Christ, I was able to get back up, dust myself off and look to the LORD once again for HIS always outstretched hand.

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Take a look at the photo above of the falling down fence. Do you notice something interesting about it? The LORD showed me that just as pieces of a fence may weaken at times and want to fall down, there are other pieces/slats that are there to help hold it up. In the same way, we may become weak in our faith due to circumstances but if we surround ourselves with the right support, our Christian friends, they will help hold us up when we don't think we can on our own. But just as rotten wood can cause a fence to topple to the ground, so can ungodly counsel and friendships. Although they mean well, in their own thought pattern, if your support system is giving you advice that is contrary to the Word of GOD, then I encourage you take it with a grain of salt.

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In the midst of a storm the last thing you need to hear is that peril is close at hand and that you should jump over the side of the boat into the beating waves and let whatever happens happen. You may sink but at least you did what was best for you, they may tell you. But what about the others in the I leave them to fend for themselves you question. Your counsel tells you, it is what it is, worry about yourself and that's it. As you listen to them you notice they are steadily moving away from you. They are there for you until it gets too rough and then they move on. Ultimately they go on their merry way and leave you to deal with the consequences on your own. They have their life and you have yours.

On the other side of you are those that are helping to hold you steady. They are telling you to stay in the boat, no matter how bad it might look right now, because the LORD can still quiet the storm. There is nothing that HE can't get you through if you just stay put and rely on HIM. They encourage you to stay with the others in the boat and hold on. So you trust GOD and stay in the boat. The waves beat across and slap you ever which way you look but with one deep heartfelt call upon the LORD, silence fills the air and the waves cease. You look up and see a ray of hope shining down on you and next to you are the others that were in the boat with you from the start. Had you listened to ungodly counsel it may very well have cost you your life, but by listening to those that were upholding you in godly counsel and prayer you came out on the other side with renewed life. As you look around you see those that helped hold you up never left your side. They were right there with you through it all, even when you may not have been able to see them.

y point is may be easy to listen to the world's way of handling a situation but ultimately you are the one that has to live through the consequences and results. But if you follow the Word and look toward your fellow sisters/brothers in Christ, they will help support you and lift you up to keep you from falling. They are the solid pieces of the fence that help you withstand the battering storm that may come and try to knock you off your foundation. Or you can lean upon the rotted boards and hope they come through for you. Personally I am going to stand with those that have a firm foundation in Christ & will be a godly support system in times of need.


Sarah said...

Great thoughts and I agree with you 100%. Thanks for sharing and pointing out the truth.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thought-provoking post! Thank you for sharing!
