Day to day life, home keeping and issues can cause one to be so disorganized in the home as well as in life. How on earth do you get everything done in a day that needs to be done? Well, honestly, we have to re-evaluate what is on our "to-do" list's and begin marking off those things that vie for our time and attention that are counter productive to our relationship with the LORD, our family and our home.
Even after we assess our task list, we still may not get everything done in a day. Here's a little's ok to not get everything done, life will still go on and chances are...what you didn't get to today will still be waiting for you come tomorrow.
As a full time Keeper of our Home, there are things that need to be tended to on a daily basis, some weekly and some monthly. The same holds true in working outside of the home. I've been in both shoes, so I can testify to can many of you I'm sure. For those that know me well, they will tell you that I love organization. So one day I thought about that and took it one step further. I not only keep our home as organized as possible, I try to keep my life organized. There are days and times when I am off track and the LORD has other plans for me, but that's ok. There's always time in life for GOD to lead and direct you in whatever manner HE has planned.
Let me tell you, there were several months that went by recently where events pulled me away from home and vied for all of my attention. It was like clock work, every day I was up and out the door to tend to business matters and not able to be home until late in the day. Hubby dealt with this same thing in between his work schedule. What happened as a result of it all? Our home was neglected, our spiritual life wasn't as cultivated as it needed to be, meals were less than healthy as we had to just grab anything to refuel us for the next venture out, our marriage and family were cared for but with only what little energy we had left at the end of the day. In a nut shell, our life and home were in disarray big time. The circumstance surrounding us was not one that we asked for nor did we care for, but because it was dumped into our lap, we did the right thing and took care of the task at hand. But ultimately we were left exhausted mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
So how do I stay organized? By using my HMB (Home Management Binder.) This little binder has become one of my best friends. It holds my days and keeps me on track as best as it can. Although I had my HMB during that whirlwind mentioned previously, I had no time to actually use it, like I always had before. After many prayerful times before the LORD concerning everything as a whole, HE led me back to where I needed to be. GOD reminded me of something in HIS Word..."For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." ~ I Corinthians 14:33. That's when I knew I had to get my life back in order.
So what's in my HMB? A little of everything to keep me focus, organized and prepared for the day at hand. I must note though that my days are not so organized that there is not room for the LORD to make changes in my schedule. I always leave room for HIM right at the top! Here's a little peek into my HMB on case your interested...
The Cover & Spine...
Upon opening the will find a simple pouch that can be used for holding pens, pencils or anything else I might need.
Section 1...contains my personal Guidelines for godly living, so that I can be the best wife, mother, home keeper and child of GOD that I can be. (There are many ideas and thoughts you can find to suit this category by searching online. My "Rules For..." printouts were from a sweet homemaker online that I honestly don't recall the link to. I just know that I thought they were wonderful tools. So I apologize for not having the info link for you.)
Section where you will find my daily & weekly tasks, as well as calendars for home and school so that I can be aware at a glance of what's going on when and this helps to not over load yourself or your family with extra activities. This area also includes my outings, such as weekly Ladies Bible study or market shopping.
Section 3...Menu planning is found here. This keeps the budget down by always knowing what were going to eat, so there are no last minute "what am I going to cook for dinner" moments. It also helps to cut out the take-away and going out to eat expenses if we know ahead of time what's for dinner.
Section 4...Recipes and kitchen tips
Section 5...Frugal home cleaning recipes and tips ~ this is where my recipes for homemade household cleaners can be found. This makes it easy for everyone in the family. If we're out of something then we all know how to make it and replace it by looking in this section for the easy recipe.
Section 6...Bible study and devotionals ~ we have to feed our soul too!
Section 7... Contact information for family, friends and other.
Section 8...Home finance & money management is where the budget is readily available for seeing what needs to be paid and when, as well as the financial savings and longevity outlook is worked on.
In the very extra paper. You can't have too much here.
Pressure Cooker Taco Soup
It's been a rainy day making it feel almost wintery. appearance
not temperature. So I figured it was a great time to make soup. But who
wants to...
7 years ago
Nice! It's interesting to see how everyone sets theirs up differently from others. :)
Oh I wish I could get on board with using this kind of binder! I have tried several times and it just doesn't work for me. I use a large 3 or 5 subject notebook with folders built in for my main lists and things as well as some smaller top bound spiral notebooks for various other hings. This large binder is just so cumbersome for me but I love the idea of having it all in one place. I already have the binder and tabs, etc... maybe I will try again **sigh**
I like that idea very much! I needed that idea very much! I am going to try that idea very soon- i know that sounds like a procrastinator, but i am going to, i am, i am, i am!
LOVE your binder! I have a little journal for my God and me time, my binder is so fat it would just be a pain to lug it out. I should down size, but I love all those pockets so! It's very large. Very. As for extra paper- so true! You always need more paper!
The Girl in the Pink Dress
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