Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday Madness

Today was one of THOSE days to say the least. First thing this morning I was hit smack in the face with a situation. This was something that should have and could have easily been informed to me last week but instead the information barer didn't think to use her head. This is so frustrating, but it will just have to work itself out on it's own. So here's my new motto ...."Just because YOU have a so-called emergency doesn't make it MY emergency!"

I did find a few moments to stop by the book store and pick up some goodies. The premier issue of Sandra Lee's Semi Homemade magazine, a vanilla late and gingerbread macadamia nut biscotti. I don't do this often so I purposed to splurge for a few bucks. All in all it was worth the extra bucks but I have to admit, the biscotti was not at all worth it. I guess when your used to the tasty family recipe for homemade biscotti store bought just doesn't cut it. Hubby also got a treat...I picked up the New York Times crossword book for him. He was so happy when he came in and saw it on the counter. It's the little things that really do make life fun.


Joan said...

Ok. ~taps toes~ ~crosses arms~ where can I get ahold of this biscotti recipe?

Angie said...

Oh girlie, so sorry about that, what a great attitude to take, congrats on that! Oh my, didn't know Sandra Lee was having a new magazine! Going to have to get that one! I just love your new background, so cheerful and warm. Have a great evening and better tomorrow!
blessings, angie

Keeper of the Home said...

Thanks Angie! I am glad you like the new look.

Ok, ok....I am going to see if I have all the ingredients to make a batch this week for our bake sale this weekend...if so, I'll be posting away for you. *grin*

Ronda said...

Hi Honey,
I'm so sorry that you had a frustrating day.
You are on the right path I think, when it comes to other folks thinking that WE have to rush to OTHERS, just because THEY have a so called emergency. Sometimes NOT getting involved in everyone else's emergencies is the best thing we can do. IMO! (In my opion)
Love & Prayers,

Blessed Beyond said...

Sorry you had a frustrating day! But what a beautiful attitude you have! I'm going to have to be on the look out for Sandra Lee's mag. What did you think of it? I can't wait for the biscotti recipe! Love the new bright spring look here! It's beautiful! Hope your have a beautiful and blessed week! Miss you!
Hugs and Blessings,

Sarah said...

Sounds like a well worth it trip to the bookstore - the latte alone makes it worthwhile. That always puts me in a better mood!

Have a good night -

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love your blog! Gorgeous!!!