Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Are you dealing with hot spots?

It never fails...come summer time one or two of our furbabies get hot spots from heat rash. We've tried different over the counter medicated shampoos with little to no relief. Hydrocortisone cream didn't help. Even after seeing the Vet, there wasn't much success.

Our sweet Rat Terrier, Dixie Lee, has been miserable with constant itching, scratching and chewing on herself. Not to mention it's been hard for us to not be able to find a solution for her.  

I began researching home remedies online and came upon an article about Listerine. This jogged my memory to something I forgot about from years ago. I had a recipe for soothing spray. Once I looked for and found the recipe I immediately made a batch of it. We tried it and so far we've seen a difference in the chewing on her hind haunches and tail area as these are the most affected areas. 

Homemade Listerine Hot Spot Spray

Take a clean spray bottle and remove the sprayer insert. Fill a 3rd of the bottle with Listerine. Next add a 3rd of the bottle with baby oil. Finally, fill another 3rd of the bottle with luke warm water. Replace sprayer and tighten to fingertip tight. Shake to mix ingredients. Spray affected area(s) and lightly rub to get beneath the fur to really coat the skin. Shake to mix before each use.

Here's our baby girl about 20 minutes after application. She's finally able to get some relief so she can rest. While this is not a cure all, the Listerine soothes the irritation while the baby oil moisturizes the skin. 

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