Monday, June 3, 2013

Market Garden Tour

Mom and I started the day out by visiting the local farmer's market & touring the adjacent gardens.

I enjoy looking at other gardens to get a little inspiration for my own. It's amazing what they have done right in the heart of the city.

Look at the beautiful grapes on the vines. I didn't find them this year, but next year I hope to plant some grapes on my property as well...especially Muscadines.

I adore chickens. The market sells fresh eggs so now you can see where some came from.

I'm not positive, but these look like Nubian goats. A friend of mine said that Nubian are great for milking but they are also great for being talkers. I can agree with him on that, as while we were out there all they did was talk to us! LOL

Strolling through the gardens is such a serene place to really get in touch with the beauty of the LORD and all HE is blessing us with.

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