Friday, June 1, 2012


There comes a time in everyone's life when you have to re-evaluate what is really important & what's not. A time to focus on what to hold on to & what to let go of. A time to focus on self improvement instead of selfishness. A time to treasure that & those which mean the most to you & let go of those that would only try & drag you down. A time to love freely & a time to love honestly. Let go of all that has weighed you down in the past. We all have a past, we all have a present & thankfully we all have a matter how good or bad your past & present are/were; focus on making the future the best it can be. Accept help when you need it & offer help to others when you can. Most importantly be happy in your own skin & never stop loving yourself for who GOD made is only then when you can truly love others for they really are.

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