Monday, February 28, 2011

Homemade Drain Cleaner

Want to clean your drains without spending a fortune on store bought cleaners? Here's an easy recipe you can whip up in seconds using a few pantry staples.

1/3 c. baking soda
1/3 c. salt
1 Tblsp. cream of tartar
1 c. boiling water

Combine first three ingredients and pour into your drain. Immediately pour boiling water into drain. Wait 10 seconds then flush for 20 seconds with cold water.

Use solution at least once a month to keep your drains fresh smelling and unclogged. Best yet it won't corrode your plumbing.

*Source: Jerry Baker


Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing this.. I will be trying it.. Have a great day, Lisa

All Things Lovely said...

We'd love to have you join the growing community at Blessings! =)

InandOutPlumbing said...

Thanks for sharing really helpful information. I tried it. It really works very well.