Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Little Fun In The Kitchen

I had some extra moments last night in the kitchen, so I decided to take the cream from my raw milk and make some butter. I think it's so neat to watch as it transforms from stage to stage until we have golden creamy butter.

As I strained the butter I was also able to get a glass of buttermilk to save. I'm not sure yet what I'll make with it, but rest assured I will put it good use.


mrshester said...

Neato! I had the opportunity to make some butter last year from the milk we got while a friend was away. However, something went terribly wrong (still haven't figured out what happened) and the butter tasted horrible! Milk was great, but not the butter. Oh well :) It was a neat experience!

Mrs. B, a very peculiar person said...

I was so glad to read that you remembered to strain (I'm sure that included rinsing the butter) to prevent premature spoilage.

Idea for the buttermilk ... if you add it to a quart of whole milk you will have a little more than a quart of buttermilk within 24 hours. It's also a GREAT addition to pancake or muffin batter.

YUM, YUM wish I could find a raw milk dairy within a reasonable driving distance from my house.


Marmee's Pantry said...

Yum, yum! I make mine w/heavy cream & shake it until I think my arms will fall off ~ lol ~ but it's worth it. At busy times of year, however, I go to a local bulk food store & get rolled butter that is Amish-made from Holmes County, Ohio.

I enjoy your blog SO much. Thanks for all your hard work.

Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><

Phyllis Blickensderfer said...

A friend has an abundance of fresh milk. We found out when she began bringing cream pie to fellowships. She was so happy to share with us. My First Daughter made the butter. Looking forward to it again!