We talked about Thanksgiving dinner plans the other day, so now I want to ask you...November ~ what does it mean to you?
For me, it means family. Of course that centers around the Thanksgiving day meal, but it's more than just that. November is a time to reflect on the things we are most thankful for and for me that would be my family. I admit, at times I take my family for granted but over all I am so proud to have each of them.
November also means a sense of busyness. I try to have all of my Christmas shopping done way before now, but no matter where you go everyone is rushing around to get this or that. It's as if the season just passes on by without being able to enjoy it because were busy with this, that or the other. Retailers are already pushing the Christmas sales and commercials so instead of letting them dictate our holiday season, let's really stop and take time to smell the roses. After all, the season will be here and gone before we know it.
November means that another year is soon to close it's doors. Time really does fly the older you get. I never thought that to be true when I was in my school years and heard the adults say it. But now I believe they are right. So November means a fresh new start is just 2 months away. So think ahead and plan something new for 2010. I'm not talking about resolutions here, but with little things. Plan to start the new year out with a fresh perspective or a new mindset that you will be a brighter light to the world. We all have a chance to make life better not only for ourselves but for others. What we do really can make a difference in someone else's life.
November means beauty. In our part of the word we don't get the beauty of the changing colors of the leaves we go from green to dead! *grin* So I relish the fall colored wreaths that hang on the doors and outline the porches. What beautiful colors they are. I think this is really my favorite time of the year. I would have our whole house in fall colors all year if I had my way about it.

(Click image for source)
November evokes the wonderful aromas of the holiday baking/cooking season. To smell the wafts of fresh baked breads and pies in the oven is as close to heaven as I think you can get. I can almost smell the fragrances now.Sweet November...what does it mean to you?

I love November so much that I am enjoying "30 Days of Thanks" over at my blog; I am dwelling on the blessings of this season. My birthday is November 30 so I always look forward to that too! This year, November also means 4 more weeks of pregnancy and I will be quitting my job at the end of the month to start preparing for a new baby! :) Happy November to you!
Conny ~ What a wonderful meme you are doing for the month of November. You have certainly inspired me.
~Mrs. M
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