Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Our New $3.25 Energy Efficient Clothes Dryer

The other day I went out and checked the mail and found our current electric bill. Not really wanting to open it, I did. I felt an instantaneous smack in the face when I read the amount due...it was over $275!!! YIKES!!! I have been trying to keep things at a minimum as far as running the a/c and using the other electric hogging apparatuses around the house. Granted Hubby is not really that keen on the a/c temp. I would like to keep it at, and I can understand his point. He works all day long out in the hot sun so I realize he needs to come home to a cool house and rest after a long, hard, hot day. But really....do we need the a/c to be set at freezing!?! We're not polar bears after all. *grin* And for some odd reason, the closet light is a consistent battle of energy use. I am forever having to go behind and turn the light off. How hard is it to turn it off before you leave. *sigh*

Of course I have been guilty of adding extra to the electric bill myself, so I am not saying it is Hubby's fault that the bill went sky high. I have been doing a lot of canning and baking during the days. Let me tell you, it gets hot in the kitchen when your working like this. So yes, I have turned the floor fan a notch higher, and the a/c down from 79 to 76 more times than I can count. I have to say though, it has been so hot outside that at times I have even heard the a/c kick on when the temperature was set at 80!!! Our home is very well insulated so for the a/c to kick on at 80 means it's a scorcher outside. When will these dreaded temperatures ever end!?!

Well, after writing out that electric payment, I decided to cut back even more on things and in anyway that I can. So I began to unplug things that are just drawing usage and not really needed, like the tea maker & coffee pot. The computers were another juice hog that we normally don't turn off or unplug, so click...now they stay off unless we are using them. I have been leaving the window blinds closed during the day to help keep the heat out as well, so this helps some to keep the internal temp. of the house cooler. Not to mention, with the blinds shut, it looks like were not home, so it's a little more private too...our frequent drop in guests have slowed down some. Now they have to call to check and see if we're home. (That's terrible sounding I know, but some days company is a welcome sight and other days we have so much going on that although we are happy to see our guests, but it would be better at another time or even a little later in the day -- but thank GOD we have family and friends who love us enough to come visit.)

Moving on...since we do a lot of laundry, at least a load a day (and I'm talking a full load...not these small half empty loads) the dryer is constantly working. We have dual hook up for our stove and dryer, so we can actually have an electric or gas appliance. Right now for both we have electric. We are blessed to have them and we enjoy them so much, but we do want to replace them when the time comes with gas appliances. Knowing how I have been trying to cut back on the household bills, Hubby helped me by getting a new energy efficient clothes dryer. Yes, our electric one works famously, but I am so glad to have the new one. Best of all, it only cost us $3.25!!!

I put it to use last night & absolutely love it....


bookflutterby said...

I know what you mean about the dryer! I'm shakin in my boots waiting for our hydro bill...oooooh boy...we seriously need a new dryer as the one we have takes 4 hours to dry ONE...LOAD. :O Eeek! So yes, I'm trying to figure out a way to get up a clothes line. A little extra time hanging out the clothes is worth saving some money! ;) And doesn't it look beautiful on a sunny day? :D

Anonymous said...

You have a perfect yard for line drying! Looks great!

mrshester said...

I love it!! I too have a "green and economical" laundry systerm :) I love having the excuse, err...opportunity, to get out of the house for a little while, even if it only across the yard :)

Keeper of the Home said...

bookflutterby ~

4 hours!! Egggg gaaat!!!! That's alot of time and money. I wish we were closer, I would gladly let you use ours to help ease the pain of drying.

~Mrs. M

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Oh you are hilarious! Hubby needs to get out there and put up some posts so you can have a proper place to hang laundry. I used to hang for my Mama occasionally back in the day before she had an electric dryer and you know there is some therapy there. Being outside in the fresh air, and quiet (hopefully) Course around here, there would probably end up being bird droppings on my clean laundry we have so many trees.

I'm guilty, guilty with the A/C. You would die if you knew how low I keep mine, especially to sleep (thanks menopause) but my body temperature runs hot hot hot all the time so I have to or I literally cannot sleep! Couple years ago we had bills like yours and even higher mid-summer so we finally broke down and bought a new central system inside and out. It paid for itself the first 6 months. As far as appliances, most of mine are at least 12 years old and they ALL need to be replaced.

Flat Creek Farm said...

I know where you're coming from! I was so disappointed to receive a $230 electric bill this time. And I never ever use the dryer - always hang the clothes out (unless there is an unexpected clothes 'emergency'). We had bought a new 50 gal water heater from our electric cooperative, and we think 'he' is the culprit. Still that's $100 more than normal, so somewhere there are hidden juice thieves that we must seek out and eliminate :) Time for an energy audit - we just need to do it ourselves. Thanks for this post. I love your new clothes dryer, and so will you! -tammy

Farming On Faith said...

I hear you ~Friend
The more things go up~the more I cut.
Seems like I can't cut enough!
We will keep encouraging each other and give thanks!
Have a blessed day!