Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Love Dare - Day 11

(Photo courtesy of All Posters)
Ephesians 5:28 "Husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies."

Chapter Highlights...

You are a part of one another' marriage is part of who you are.

Marriage is a beautiful mystery created by GOD, joining two lives together as one. This not only happens physically but spiritually and emotionally.

You must treat your spouse with the same nurture and care that you treat yourself. When you show love to your spouse, you are showing love to yourself as well.

When you mistreat your spouse, you are also mistreating yourself. Your lives are interwoven together.

Let love change your thinking. You need to realize that your spouse is as much a part of you as your hand, eyes and heart. Just as you treasure your eyes, hands and feet, you should treasure your spouse as a priceless gift.

Don't let the culture around you determine the worth of your marriage. To compare it with something that can be discarded or replaced is to dishonor GOD'S purpose for it. Instead it should be a picture of love between two imperfect people who choose to love each other regardless.

When you look at your spouse, you're looking at a part of you. Treat your spouse well, speak highly of them, nourish and cherish the love of your life.

Today's dare: What need does your spouse have that you could meet today? Choose a gesture that says, "I cherish you" and do it with a smile.

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