Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Black Chrome DCC-1200

Although our coffee maker still works, I was so desirous of a new one. I have no idea why I had it in my crawl that we needed a new model. Well I looked and looked online at the different brands and styles. I finally found 2 that really caught my eye, a Cuisinart and a Kitchenaid. Now granted I was not looking for a fancy one with all the self grinding features or high tech fancies on it. After looking at the online user reviews on several makes & models, these 2 stood out.

So having a 10% off coupon to Lowe's (yes I broke down and shopped the big box store) I looked online first to see what they had to offer. Wouldn't you just know it they had 'in stock' the 2 pots I was looking for. I made a quick trip on my way home today to the nearest Lowe's location and there they both were on display on the shelf. After much inspection and deliberation I decided to go with the Cuisinart DCC-1200 12-cup programmable Brew Central in Black Chrome. Oh, she is such a pretty appliance. Compared to other stores (Sears, Macy's, Dillard's, etc.) it was the cheapest price I found, then adding my 10% coupon I got it for a steal.

Since we were out of coffee I stopped by the store to replenish our stock and ended up buying 2 specialty coffees to try, Hill Country Morning Breakfast Blend & Vanilla Nut 100. They aren't a name brand per sea but are a specialty to that particular store. The Morning Breakfast Blend was actually for Hubby as he loves it and being the vanilla fanatic that I am I just had to try the Vanilla Nut. I still need to clean the kitchen but once that's done you can sure bet that I will be finding a quiet place to read and have a cup of Vanilla Nut 100. What a great way to end the day.


Unknown said...

Have you tried Mystic Monk Coffee?( They have some delicious flavors-carmel is my favorite. Love your new background. Continued blessings as you continue the Love Dare.

mrshester said...

I love new kitchen gadgets :) I've been itching to get a grain mill, but seeing as they're quite expensive for us right now, I think it'll be a while! I love vanilla too :) I remember having an automatic brewing coffee pot, where you could set it the night before and it would be ready when I got up the next morning. That made getting up at 3 a little easier, lol.

Keeper of the Home said...

Thanks for the heads up on Mystic Monk. I had not heard of them before but will certainly look into them. Thanks for your comment on the background. I like to change things up every so often. It's my cheap, free way to decorate! *grin*

Oh I have been wanting a grain mill for sometime myself. I agree they are pricey. My other draw back is that in my area unless you order bulk whole grain online or at a specialty store (the closest is an hr. away) I can't get the whole grains. So maybe one day but today is not the day.

Caroline said...

That coffee maker is intense! :)
Love this blog... xoxo KB

Keeper of the Home said...

KB~ You make me smile! Thanks.

Blessed Beyond said...

Your new coffee maker is a beauty! And the vanilla nut 100 sounds yummy. We have been using the Coffee Mate Creamer, Vanilla Caramel. It is really yummy! It's both Hubby and my favorite.

Love the new blog look!! And I have to say I am really loving the Love Dares. Keeping you and yours in prayers as you complete them.

Hugs and Blessings,

Jamie Stroupe said...

I like your new coffee pot it is very nice. We don't use a coffee pot, we use a french presser. If you are someone that likes strong coffee this is a delicious way to have coffee, and it is very small so if you have limited counter space this is a wonderful item.
We LOVE coffee here at the Stroupe home.